Monday, June 1, 2009

Embrace your thinness

What's up with our culture's obsession with thin people? It's crazy how many people act like it's a sin to be skinny. You would not believe the number of times that my weight gets brought up in conversations with people.

But yet they don't get the fact that I like being really thin. 

Oftentimes, they go on the offensive. They'll talk to me as if I didn't know I was so thin. But the worst is when they act all sympathetic toward you, as if you had a disease or something. 

"You are so thin!" 
"So have you tried to gain weight? I mean, you practically are a walking corpse."
Yes, I have. And no, I'm not. Have you ever seen a corpse? Definitely not me.
"Have you gone to the doctor?" (That's my favorite... I've actually gotten asked that at least twice.)
Go to the doctor because I'm not morbidly obese? That seems kind of oxymoronic.
"How are you going to get a girl, let alone protect her, with that body of yours?"
Psh. If a girl's so shallow that she's going to base her dating decisions on my body type, she can go suck a tree.

And on and on it goes. I'm actually starting to get offended by such questions. Why even bring it up? Are they trying to make me feel insecure? Because it's not working. Yeah, I'm self-conscious about certain things, but my weight is nowhere close to being one of them.

But I struggled with it at one point. That was, until I learned to embrace my thinness. You know, I tried to gain weight for a while. I got a home gym for Christmas a few years back, and was pretty consistent in working out. Diet was another area that I tried to work on. But I soon found out that some people don't have the ability to gain weight, no matter how hard they try, just as many people attempt to lose weight, but are unsuccessful. I seriously eat like a horse sometimes, but I can never gain an ounce.

Nowadays, I love being thin. I love the very idea that I am one of a select few who have God-given body types that are very skinny. I love that fitted suits look awesome on skinny people. I love that we don't have to worry about working out 24/7 and buying clothes that show off our muscles. I love that the world thinks we hate our bodies. 

And on a side note, I love that a celebrity (besides Lindsay Lohan and Mary Kate Olsen) has come alongside us 'thin bodies' to support us in our cause. Dev Patel, the star of the amazing film Slumdog Millionaire, may even be thinner than me. But does he care at all? Of course not. And does he have a girlfriend? Yes. And I think she's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. So there, Brad Pitt. Who needs your body as a spokesthing for looking gorgeous? I have Dev Patel on my side. And he can actually act.

Too bad for all those naysayers out there. Because I love my skinny self. All 138 pounds of me.


  1. THIS IS MY FAVORITE!!! i get the too skinny thing all the time too..i agree its abnoxious, did anyone ever think we like being skinny? um, i take it as a big fat NO!! thin is in. embrace it.

  2. holla to us skinny folks. i tried gaining weight... didn't happen. everytime i see weight loss commercials on tv, i get a little jealous- sad, but true. i'm 27, 5 feet 9 and have weighed more than 140 pounds in my life.

  3. Another great post, Jordan. I'm really enjoying your blog! There's nothing wrong with being naturally skinny because of genes and/or good lifestyle choices. Obesity is the problem in this country. I'm thankful that being overweight isn't something that I struggle with, and I enjoy being the way that I am. One thing, though, I don't appreciate having to pay a higher health insurance premium because they've deemed me to be underweight. They probably assume that I have some undiagnosed serious disease, or that I'm a drug user or a smoker, or something. But, after three years with no evidence pointing to this being the case (i.e. no claims!), they really ought to reward me by lowering my premiums! :)

  4. Love it! Yay skinny people! I've even been asked if i'm annorexic!(and sorry if that's spelled wrong b/c i know you'll know if it is, ha) SERIOUSLY?! Just b/c i don't weigh 500lbs like most Americans i get classified as having an eating disorder!? NO, i don't have an eating disorder, that's just how i am, so get over it. Awesome blog jordan!
