Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You know the end is near when . . .

. . . the new season of "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" smashed cable records when it premiered on Monday night. 

I'm feeling a bit nauseous. 

TLC got their highest ratings ever when the train wreck hit airways on Memorial Day. 

I cannot stand the show. I hate it. I loathe it. I hate the very idea that someone would even like it. Why is our country so infatuated with drama? Really, the only reason that it did so well was because everyone was waiting to see if there would be a tearful confession from Jon about whether or not he cheated on Kate, or if the kids would cry anymore than usual, or if Kate would yell any less than usual, etc.

TLC literally makes me want to shoot my television in the face. Given that I'm a guy, yes, but I just don't get the appeal of watching these shows where "real life families" (try to explain that one) live out the bane of their existence in front of our eyes. All of TLC's shows are so overdone and cutesy that the material is, frankly, better suited for Noggin or Cartoon Network. 

I try to look at such shows as educational programming; they (Jon and Kate, 18 Kids and Counting, and the one with the short kids) provide perfect examples on how NOT to live one's life. 

And one more thing. I am sincerely hoping that Jon and Kate have another kid just so the title won't rhyme. Now how cool would that be?


  1. you are right, your blog is just like snack break, except you show up on google this time. love the blog. very entertaining. you will win prizes for your writings some day. dont forget the little people down the street who fed you cookies during high school.

  2. I'm so glad other people feel the same way I do about this show...It annoys me to death. I think it's even worse than Super Nanny.
